Monday, September 7, 2015

My New-Old UFO

I have promised myself that I would get a UFO finished before the end of the year.
  I decided to do the one that is the oldest (at least 2007 before we moved to the new shop).
It is from a collection of fat quarters I purchased long ago.
They also happen to match well with other fabrics I had in my stash,
so I could use those for borders.
Here is what it looks like this morning when I drug it out!

Yes, it has been in bags since the last time I worked on it
When was that-?????
But, I do have some of the blocks put together-------
I still have my plan.  I AM really good about drawing out my quilts either by hand or on the computer.  They are always with my projects.  So whenever (however may years down the road), I will know what it is to be when finished.
This one will be the 6" pieced blocks set together with alternate 6" blocks.
It may become a new Naked Without My Quilts pattern, or that was the original plan.
This WILL be finished by the end of the year!
What will you be working on?  Let me know and we will track our progress together!

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