Friday, July 5, 2013

Label Making, Summer Sewing Challenge Day 2

Today was a not so much sewing day
Worked, shopped for grandson's birthday tomorrow
and then embroidered just a little
on Sadie's Keepsake (August block)

Almost finished
Some of you have ask how I make my quilt labels
Well, I got these tricks from my computer guru Connie A.
All of my labels on done in my Microsoft Office Word program.
These are just a few I have done

 Lets take the Women of Courage one for example step by step
First I took a picture of my quilt (or you can search the internet for a picture of the quilt if you are
doing a Block of the Month, etc.) and brought it into my Pictures folder. 
At this time, I also took a picture of each individual block OR you can put your downloaded quilt picture from your Picture file into a program such as Picasa and then crop out each block and save to your Pictures folder
Now you are ready to "assemble" your label.
In Word - I pick the Page Layout tab and go to Watermark
I select custom and a box pops up asking me where I want to get the picture from.
I select the pic from my Picture Folder of the whole quilt
Yes, now I have the picture of my quilt as a watermark on my label.  You can also adjust the scale (size of the watermark) which in this case, I wanted it to be as large as my paper (500%)
and also wanted it "washed out".  Without the wash out, I thought it was too dark and bold
Your choice in these selections
Now it was just a matter of writing my label, just like I would write a letter.
Select your font, size of letters and color of print that looks good on your label
Be sure to put at least your name (full name including your maiden name), city, county, and state you
 currently live in and the date you made the quilt.
 Hopefully someone 150 years from now will discover your quilt and start researching it.  The more info on the label, the easier it is to track down info regarding the maker and receiver.
It is nice also add the name of the quilt, why you made it and if it was made for someone special, the name of the recipient and maybe the reason they received it (birthday, anniversary, etc.)
You can also get a lot of poetry, sayings and other things from the internet to include in your label.
I just googled anniversary quotes and lots of things popped up.  You can right click on one of the pictures here and save it to your Pictures Folder for use in your label.
Word also has lots of clip art you can import and add as in the small examples at the top.
When the info part of my label was finished, I just hit "Insert" - Picture - selected my Picture Folder - Selected the Block from that folder and added the blocks one at a time and typed the name of the block beside it-tabbed over, set the next one, etc.  I did do some rearranging with this to find that three across worked best.
When I have finished and like my layout I always test a print first on regular paper.
Then I can adjust if necessary and make any corrections to it before
 I print it out on a
computer fabric sheet.
I sell the June Taylor computer fabric sheets and like them very well.
I have white and cream and use what fits best with my label and quilt.
I also try to make my labels 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" in size so that I can get two labels
on each computer sheet. 

Your labels are only limited by your creativeness!
Have fun labeling



  1. Just FYI - If you back your quilt labels, then you won't need to needle-turn applique them to your quilt, the quilt backing fabric won't show though your labels, and you can easily make labels in heart or other irregular shapes. See my heart shaped example here-->

    Last night, I quilted more than 50% of my niece's graduation quilt. I plan to complete the quilting today, bind and label it before "Show & Tell" at next Friday's guild meeting.

    1. Nancy,
      Great tip! I always have just a little binding leftover, so I cut it down just a little and bind my label as well. This makes easy to sew on then.

  2. So far not much in the way of stitching today. We are celebrating 4th of July tonight, so I am cleaning (a little)and soon I will go shopping with Paul for food he will BBQ for supper. I have started on my pinwheel blocks that I make from the corners cut off my Block Swapper Snowball blocks. I have sewn about 8 seams so far. Hopefully, I will finish them before wrapping up to start hanging out with the family.
    Chris P.

  3. Didn't have time to post yesterday. I did finish one of our cwll blocks. After that we took our daughter and granddaughter to see Counting Crows at the VP fair then stayed for the fireworks. By the end we had one tired baby.
    Martha W

  4. Well, I was able to get 8 of the 16 pinwheels finished yesterday. I finished the other 8 this morning. This afternoon, I did the first block for cwll. I must have done something wrong at first because it came out 1/2" too small at first. I took it apart and used a smaller seam allowance and it came out perfect. Just started on the second block.
    Chris P.


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