Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sewing with Friends (Virtual Retreat)

After Christmas is such a hectic time at the shop.  We have inventory - yuck!  I recruited my retired DH to help.  OMG!! I thought we would NEVER get done.  We inventoried everything but the fabric and floss.  What should have taken about 6 hours-took a little over 9 hours.  And he wondered why I was ticked the rest of the evening.  Do they just not pay attention or what?  You would have thought this was MY first inventory and his 13th instead of the other way around. 

Well-enough of my whining.  We all love to sew with friends around us.  Once a week we hold a sewing day at the shop (Tuesdays).  All are welcome to bring in UFO's, square up a quilt, cut a new project or just sit and chat.  But what about the other times during the week-OR-weekend and holidays.  It just isn't fun to sew by yourself. 

A few quilting friends and I have been holding Virtual Retreats over holiday weekends or whenever we just need a girlfriend fix and can't get together.  We each sew at our own home, in our PJs or dressed, day or night, well you get the picture.  We post on line to each other what we are working on and post pictures, etc.  Fun-Fun-Fun! 

Now anyone can join us.  I have set up a yahoo group so that all of you can join in the fun.  Even if you are not "retreating" with us this weekend, join us now and maybe you will "retreat" with us on the next one.  It is always fun to see posting and pictures of what other quilters are doing.  Great ideas are always bouncing around out there.  They may just spark a new idea for your next quilting project.
Joining is as easy as going to the link and clicking on "Join this Group".


Our first Virtual Retreat will be this weekend from Friday evening, December 28 at 6:00 pm until Tuesday evening, January 1 at 10:00 pm.  You may jump in anytime.  Just post when you join us and post when you leave us and what you are working on.  You are free to post pictures of your current project.  So go and sign up NOW!  The more the merrier!

Off to finish my Rose of Sharon that has been on the machine for 4 days now.  Almost ready to do the freehand behind the applique blocks.  Yeah!

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