Saturday, December 1, 2012

5 Day Retreat-Day 3

Well it was a VERY late night.  Pat was the first to go to bed, she woke early to go to her grandsons wrestling match and then came back about 2:00.  Still working on Venetian Tiles and here are some of the blocks she has done.  Venetian Tiles is based on a quilt using the pieced applique technique by Penny Haren.
Carol was the first to go to bed with no excuse and that was about 3:30 with Margaret following soon after.  Both slept in until early afternoon, I won't mention a time!  But both jumped right in with their projects.  Carol got her Venetian Tiles chain blocks done and is now working on bordering the pieced ones (like those above). 
Margaret is working on Army Stars again.  But she did finish her 4 Farmer's Wife blocks, worked on Blockswapper nine patch for a while and got November Freedom Rings blocks done. 
Here is a glimps of one of her Army Star blocks.  These are being done in multiple different colorways.
Me? well I didn't go to bed until about 5:00 am.  Working on finishing the inside of Farmer's Wife rows and listening to 70's tunes on my IPod.  (Trying to get in a Shop Hop mood for next year-hint).
I must stay I was also the first one up about 10:15.  Did finish the farmer's wife quilt.  For those that won't see it at club meeting on Wednesday, here is a glimpse! (Sorry Carol for getting you in the pic with your Victoria Secret PJ's on)
Also got caught up on Women of the Bible.  This is an on-line quilt group moderated by Carol Honderich.  We receive instructions for one block weekly and I was about 6 weeks behind.  Here are the blocks I finished today.  All of the blocks will be from the same fabric group.
My turn for dinner tonight - spaghetti with homemade sauce, garlic bread and wine.  We didn't have a large pan to cook the pasta in, so we had to improvise and use the crock pot.  Not bad!  Quilters are like Girl Scouts, use what you have!!!   Dishes are done and now to get to the December mystery.  No pics on this one guys, you'll have to come in on the 3rd Sunday to see it.  May give a hint tomorrow. 
We all came to the conclusion that we should write a novel!  Can't tell you where the idea came from, but Margaret is reading a series of great books.
Soooo, we are coming up with an outline and ideas for a series.  Will let you know how all this will play out. Title may be Under the Quilts! 
Had visitors today - 2 quilters from south St. Louis were here at the Suite and left today, but stopped in to say hi.  When we introduced ourselves, she said to me "So you're the one"!.  Was afraid to ask what she meant by that, but it was immediately followed by her explaination.  I was in the first quilting group that came to Toddhall in 1999.  She was the second. I have been bringing groups back at least 3-4 times a year since then and so has she.  We had a great chat.  There is another group at the "Big House" as I refer to it, but we haven't visited.  Someone didn't get dressed at all today and someone was dressed for only a few hours (not telling who they are, but there is a FREE FAT QUARTER waiting at the quilt shop for the first one of you that gives me the right answer).  Comment below!
Can't believe it is only 9:00, I need my nap!  I think it will be a very long night again.
Jan, Carol, Margaret and Pat (nicknamed the Four Patch)

1 comment:

  1. My guess is Carol stayed in her PJs and Margaret got dressed for a couple of hours


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