Thursday, July 17, 2014

Retreat-Day 3

Well, still no sign of Margaret. 
We think she is somewhere in Wood River during the day, 
stuck in a hot, stuffy lead lined room, with  LOTS of
people coming and going.


This is what was accomplished on Wednesday by the group:

Chris has been testing patterns for Suzn Quilts.  
Stay turned for the release soon of these 12 monthly cuties.

Isn't this black and white stunning.  
Marie worked on Infinite Variety and did her
first machine applique! 
Great job Marie--

Pat was working on blocks for a new quilt.
Love these colors.

Borders are on Edna's Irish Chain and it looks fantastic.
This border just adds interest to the chain pattern.

We found Carol yesterday, but she's gone again.
She did get more blocks completed for her
Amish With a Twist quilt.  She is now working on the Log Cabin blocks.

But-sadly-she is gone again.  Maybe she is out looking for Margaret.
Or playing hooky with her hubby.  

Me - well, I have had pedal to the medal and accomplished the following:

Civil War Love Letter blocks were finished this morning so that I could put together the 3" quilt
I am calling Gettysburg.

 Why that name you ask?
Because I inked the words of the Gettysburg Address in the alternate blocks.

I also finished all but the last 7 blocks for the 6" size quilt.
I knew from the beginning that I needed 7 additional blocks for this setting, but
until I started putting my rows together and got the this point, I forgot.
Imagine that!

The 8" version will have to wait till I get home-forgot to pack the fabric
for the cornerstones.  

Got the borders on the Quilt of Valor that my granddaughter Emma pieced the center of.
Great job Emma.
Thanks Marie for the black inner border.  Forgot to pack that as well, but was saved
by a friend.

Also got a strippy baby quilt done.  Connie-remember these fabrics from the lake?

WOW.  That's a lot a sewing yesterday.

Stay tuned for more on Thursday's progress.


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