Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Winter In The Garden

My latest project has lasted two weeks on the Statler machine.
It belongs to Connie A and is Winter In the Garden.
A needle turn applique quilt, it is exquisite with tons of quilting on it.
I have 60 hours and over 350,000 stitches on it (mostly hand guided).
Check out the border
Outer green border is done with swirly feathers and pearls.
All of the on point square borders have a curly feather design in the background
triangles.  The green squares puff up because of the double batting
(cotton on the bottom and wool on the top).
All applique on these borders are stitched in the ditch around EACH applique PIECE.
Then the corners are divided away and pearls are behind the corner appliques.
Between the corners it is crosshatched to match the on point squares.

The center appliques are treated the same, SID around each piece of applique.
The blocks are then divided on point and have pearls in each of the corners with free
hand swirls in the center.
Close up of a block
Will try and get a pic of the back of the quilt.
Forgot to do that.  Connie and I were so overwhelmed at the
entire quilt, we forgot the take the pics from behind the quilt.
Spent all day yesterday touring the eastern side of Illinois.
Had a lecture last night for the Olney Quilt Guild.
They are a wonderful group of gals.  Thanks again for having me.
Connie and I stopped at a few shops getting there.
I love the Village Stitchery in Oblong.
Will make a day trip over there again.
After the lecture, we were on the road at 8:30 pm and on our way to the lake
for some relaxed sewing.  The guys left at 5:00 am on Monday and we arrived at 1:30 am on Tuesday.
Slept for a few hours, to the grocery store for the weeks worth of food and now
setup and ready to quilt.
with this beautiful view of the lake from my
sewing window.
Little too warm to sit out on the deck, but maybe on Thursday.
Happy Sewing



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