Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why Do I Do This?

Finishing up a few projects these past months and have been digging around in
the sewing room to find a some new ones to start.
Ran across this book I have had for several years
The entire quilt is made using the English Paper Piecing method.
This is one of the projects I picked to start.  But first I need to:
Order the paper pieces
Start picking out fabrics (different sets for each block) - maybe 2-3 sets to start
Find common background for all blocks
Will keep you updated as this one progresses.
This also led me to another idea--
I need to applique the border on my other Tree of Life quilt
English Paper Piecing gave me the idea to make my flowers out of 1/2" hexs. 
So I'll also ordered some of these. 
I think Kari has some, but where???
Better off ordering my own.  By the time they arrive, I still would not have found her extras
Putting the borders together for First Ladies (2nd Saturday). 
Should have the blue color way ready for class
and the red color way will be the demo for
creating your own borders!
Now to finish the last side on my binding and add the label for Women of Courage.
It's nice to see some more people joining us for our
Summer Sew Challenge
Keep sewing and commenting.



  1. Last night I finished sewing together the border pieces for the first border of my Project Linus quilt. I hope to get that sewn on this weekend.

  2. Finished Sadie. On my own this weekend, yea! Tonight will be cutting out night, work shop tomorrow. Hope to have first block of Hook, Line And Sinker ready to show on Saturday.

  3. I visited the shop today for my last yard of Thermore! Yea. Hopefully tonight I will start on S. 4 more blocks to go.

  4. Today I have already finished 4 of my 21 cwll blocks. May get 2 more done before bed. If I do get them completed I will have 9 done with 12 more to go. Also put a few stitches in Angels A to ZZZ.
    Martha W.

  5. Today I prepped a few more leaves for my Tree of Life Quilt. I am slowly making progress towards actually sewing them onto the borders. Tonight I sewed about half a side of the binding on my Menopause quilt. Only 2 and 1/2 more to go.
    Chris P.

  6. Well, I was able to get a little more done on my Menopause quilt binding. I have started on the 3rd side.
    Chris P.

  7. Well, it took about 1/2 hr but I cleared enough work to sew on the wedding quilt. It should be easy if I can just find time to work on it.
    I hope everyone has a good sewing Sunday.

  8. Got my ufo's packed up ready for retreat. Today I cut the excess backing and batting off my farmers wife quilt so I will be ready to sew binding on during retreat. Also cleaned out sewing machine and made extra bobbins.

  9. Loraine, Your Farmer's wife looked great, good job.
    I sewed a few hours on wedding quilt but will spend the rest of the day/night on embroidery.
    I hope everyone enjoys retreat!

  10. I cleaned my sewing machine this afternoon and I have been getting a few things together for the retreat. I guess I need to get everything organized next. I finished prepping the leaves for the Tree of Life quilt. I still need to finish the stems. Today,I have also been sewing the binding on the third side of the Menopause quilt. Not quite done with that side yet. I can't wait to get things set up and start sewing at the retreat!
    Chris P.

  11. Well I finished my 1st embroidery panel of "Over the Hill" yea! Two more to go.

  12. Yesterday, I got the first border sewed on my Project Linus quilt. Hoping to get the other border on tonight!

  13. First day of retreat and so far I sewed my binding on my Farmers Wife quilt 90 x 100, sewed 15 8 1/2" snowball block swapper blocks, and sewed a 12 1/2" lottery block for our guild. Now for a little break before I start something else. Jan took pictures, she will post later.


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