Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last of the Month Rush!

I have really been pushing myself this past few weeks.  Going from this---
to this---
and the finally finished top!
Now it's the quilter's problem (LOL) 
uh oh - I AM THE QUILTER!!
Also finished the July - Sadie's Keepsake Embroidery block
but--dear husband was putting in new shelving units for me while I was trying to square up this block!  Can you guess what happened between him asking a million questions?
Yes, it did not get cut on point.  Just a straight square! 
Decisions, decisions, decisions. 
 Do I re-stitch the entire block again?
  Do I add fabric on each side and recut? 
 Do I leave as is and put on point in the quilt (will anyone notice)? 
These are the questions I will be asking myself
and you will have to wait about about 4 months
when all the blocks are finished and I am starting to put the
quilt together~stay tuned!
Remember these from a few weeks ago?

Putting them together now! 


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