Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week 1

My DH has whatever is going around and is like a 6 year old when he is sick.  I have been trying to stay away from him as much as possible, but did come down with a nasty sinus infection.  This them resulted in Laryngitis.  Everyone in the house LOVES me not being able to talk!! LOL

The good thing about all this is that I have been down in the sewing room keeping up with my weekly projects.  So I thought you might like to see what I have been working on.

I made a label for my Dear Jane quilt that was completed a few months ago.  Now to just get it on the quilt. 
While I was at the computer, I also made a label for my Rose of Sharon quilt that I finished over the holidays.  I will be showing this at First Ladies on Saturdayand also at the luncheon on the 19th.
And yes the label will be on them by then!
While moving a pile of fabric the other day, I found a piece of the pre-printed Baltimore Christmas panel.  I put it together with a green from the same line and made a 10 minute tablerunner. 
 By the way, we have some of the panels at the shop.  Great to give as gifts.
 Ask for the pattern at the shop!

And last - a sneak peak at the block for First Ladies on 2nd Saturday!SHHHHH-Don't tell!

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