Only been home less than a week and I need a vacation
from vacation.
How many of you feel like I do?
I mean, come on - the unpacking and laundry, putting the kitchen back in place
putting all the totes and suitcases away, catching up on the pile of mail,
and the dreaded --- putting away ALL the quilting you took!
And then---WORK!
I am very lucky that when I walked in on Monday am. there were a few calls to return,
just a little computer work to do and get the bank deposit together.
Thank you Margaret and Susan for all your hard work
the shop looked FANTASTIC!
Now on to the title of this post
here is what was wrapped up in the last few days of vacation.
First let me say that to this point I had finished
all I had "scheduled" to get accomplished.
Yes, I am one of those that like to have a plan of attack when I go on a sewing
retreat. I NEED to come home with things done (because I am usually behind when I leave).
Since I had the remaining months of Mrs. Miller's Apprentice with me, I just started piecing the next month
all I had "scheduled" to get accomplished.
Yes, I am one of those that like to have a plan of attack when I go on a sewing
retreat. I NEED to come home with things done (because I am usually behind when I leave).
and the next
and the next
So why stop there
I just had to see the center put together. There is one more plain border, then a major pieced border and then the large plain border. Beginning to work on that soon.
Plus a few more 3" triangle centers done for my star leader/ender blocks.
only 22 more to go. Maybe I'll have this project done by the end of the summer and all from
leader/enders. BONUS!!!!!
Keep those needles flying!
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