Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Quilt Stuff

 Just finished Block #4 (May) on Sadie's Keepsake Embroidery Block of the Month 

That should keep me ahead of those of you that are doing this one.  Will take some to the lake with me in April. 
We also have just 3 kits left from our new series "The Breakfast Club" that was introduced on Mystery Sunday (3rd Sunday each month).
3rd Sunday each month-Mystery Sunday
Receive a FREE pattern for the featured quilt
Each quilt this year will be made from STRIPS!
Kits will be available at a reduced price on Mystery Sunday only
Regular price on the shelf (if we have any left)
Become a "Breakfast Club" member and receive an additional 10% off reduced price on Mystery Sunday or 10% off regular shelf price till the end of the featured month.
Also receive member special discounts throughout the year on other merchandise as well.

I can READ! For lots of you, reading is as much a passion as quilting is to me. Some of you even do both. I don't like to read (except quilt magazines, etc). I have to be doing something with my hands to feel like I am not "wasting time", and with all of those quilts calling my name--.
BUT, I did start reading The Basement Quilt by my friend and former quilt shop owner Ann Hazelwood. OK, maybe I started it because it had the word quilt in the title.
I am thoroughly enjoying my new adventure. I feel I have met and actually know the characters in the book. The Colebridge community is a river town (like St. Charles). Anne Brown owns a floral shop there and lives with her mother. One of Anne's aunts made a quilt and she along with several family members are learning to quilt it. There is a little something unusual going on, but you must read the book to find out what! I am almost finished and now that her second book
is here, I can't wait to get finished and start the new one. Hint: There is a little paranormal activity going on in this very normal community.
Do you think I am on my way to being one of the book gang? Not!
Oh by the way-Ann has graciously given us the block pattern for the quilt in each book as a download. Thanks Ann!
PS-All of our copies of both book titles have been signed by the author! 

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